Trinacria Losca that is Skeggia alias Sicano Genco and U' Signor Asaro alias Jo Asaro. Both mc by more than 10 years and both producers by more than 5 years. It was 1993 when in Sicily the two are born to the hip hop and they begin to create rhymes, more and more verse, more and more texts. This is their life and from then nothing was the same. U' Signor Asaro lives in Alcamo and follows its road as solo singer while Skeggia lives in Trapani and has a crew, with which he participates to a national compilation along with several other Italian groups. Time passes among live concerts, study sessions, hip hop way of living. And it comes the year 1998,when Skeggia and U' Signor Asaro meets for the first time: nothing was more the same. Both clearly understand of having the same blood in the veins and to not wanting a different choice: they abandon the respective careers and create Trinacria Losca. An idea, an attitude, a name, a sound, true life. Skeggia and U' Signor Asaro begin an intense productive activity that brings to the creation of a mixtape called "The Handicraft One", they publish the same and show it during various live sessions. Time rush and the need to make something new grows and grows. The two, therefore, arrange ideas and words, transform them in beat and rhymes thus giving life on September 2003 to their first official work, the e.p. "The Sentence". From this there is no return. In less than one year all the copies of the disc were sold and various live in Italy are carried out. The production of Trinacria Losca has no pause and this brings Asaro and Skeggia to spend the most part of their time in the studios to produce beat on beat, rhymes on rhymes. All that in order to reach their wish: to introduce the sound of Trinacria Losca to the whole world. A further step in this direction comes on January 2005 with the publication of their new single "Tielle", that anticipates the launch of the new album, actually in progress. Plig your ears, we never stop.